Petrogenesis, alteration, and shock history of intermediate shergottite Northwest Africa 7042: Evidence for hydrous magmatism on Mars?
T.V. Kizovski, M.R.M. Izawa, K.T. Tait, D.E. Moser, J.M.D. Day, B.C. Hyde, L.F. White, L. Kovarik, S.D. Taylor, D.E. Perea, I.R. Barker, B.R. Joy Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 June…
Hydrous olivine alteration on Mars and Earth
Zoltán Váci, Carl B. Agee, Christopher D. K. Herd, Erin Walton, Oliver Tschauner, Karen Ziegler, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Sylvia Monique‐Thomas Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:21 May 2020 LINK “Hydrous alteration of…
Terrestrial Alteration Mineral Assemblages in the NWA 10416 Olivine Phyric Shergottite
J.D. Piercy, J.C. Bridges, L.J. Hicks, J.L. MacArthur, R.C. Greenwood, I.A. Franchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 4 April 2020 LINK “We report on the alteration history of the olivine-phyric,…
Electron Probe Microanalysis, Micro X-Ray Diffraction, and Deuterium-Hydrogen Analysis of Hydrous Alteration in Martian Meteorites Northwest Africa 10416 and 8159
Z. Vaci, H. E. Newsom, C. B. Agee, A. J. Brearley, O. Tschauner, C. D. K. Herd 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016), Abstract #2538 PDF