Evaluating the O‐Cr‐Mo isotope signatures in various meteorites representing core–mantle–crust fragments: Implications for partially differentiated planetesimal(s) accreted in the early outer solar system
Arshad Ali, Iffat Jabeen Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 07 February 2021 LINK “The Allende, Eagle Station pallasites (ESP), some ungrouped achondrites (UA), and ungrouped irons (UI) represent different types of meteorites; these…
Nebular history of an ultrarefractory phase bearing CAI from a reduced type CV chondriteOPEN ACCESS
Takashi Yoshizaki, Daisuke Nakashima, Tomoki Nakamura, Changkun Park, Naoya Sakamoto, Hatsumi Ishida, Shoichi Itoh PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (1 Mar 2019): LINK “Ultrarefractory (UR) phases in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) could have formed at higher temperature…
Condensate refractory inclusions from the CO3.00 chondrite Dominion Range 08006: Petrography, mineral chemistry, and isotopic compositions
S.B. Simon, A.N. Krot, K. Nagashima, L. Kööp, A.M. Davis Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 November 2018 LINK “We have found two refractory inclusions in the CO3.00 carbonaceous chondrite…
O, Mg, and Si isotope distributions in the complex ultrarefractory CAI Efremovka 101.1: Assimilation of ultrarefractory, FUN, and regular CAI precursors
Jérôme Aléon, Johanna Marin-Carbonne, Kevin D. McKeegan, Ahmed El Goresy Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 9 April 2018 LINK “Oxygen, magnesium, and silicon isotopic compositions in the mineralogically complex, ultrarefractory (UR) calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI)…
Mineralogy, Petrography, and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Ultrarefractory Inclusions from Carbonaceous Chondrites
A. N. Krot, C. Ma, K. Nagashima, A. M. Davis, J. R. Beckett, S. B. Simon, M. Komatsu, T. J. Fagan, F. Brenker, M. A. Ivanova, A. Bischoff 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018),…
Corundum-hibonite inclusions and the environments of high temperature processing in the early solar system
Andrew W. Needham, Scott Messenger, Jangmi Han, Lindsay P. Keller Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 May 2016 LINK “Corundum-bearing Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are a rare class of high-temperature condensates…