Two Strengths of Ordinary Chondritic Meteoroids as Derived from their Atmospheric Fragmentation ModelingOPEN ACCESS
Jiří Borovička, Pavel Spurný, Lukáš Shrbený Accepted for publication in AJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The internal structure and strength of small asteroids and large meteoroids is poorly known. Observation of bright fireballs in the Earth’s…
The Renchen L5-6 chondrite breccia – the first confirmed meteorite fall from Baden-Württemberg (Germany)OPEN ACCESS
Addi Bischoff, Jean-Alix Barrat, Jasper Berndt, Jiri Borovicka, Christoph Burkhardt, Henner Busemann, Janina Hakenmüller, Dieter Heinlein, Jasmine Hertzog, Jozef Kaiser, Colin Maden, Matthias M.M. Meier, Précillia Morino, Andreas Pack, Markus Patzek, Maximilian P. Reitze, Miriam…
RENCHEN meteorite fall (~ 1227.69, L5-6, S4, W0) on 10 July 2018 at 23:29:48 CEST (21:29:48 UTC) near Renchen, Ortenau district, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Last update: 25 April 2019 The first find (Renchen-1, 11.9 g) Equipped with a preliminary strewn field map provided by Pavel Spurný on July 14, 2018 and coordinated by Dieter Heinlein the meteorite hunters Ralph…