A common isotopic reservoir for amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) revealed by Ti and Cr isotopic compositions
Zachary A. Torrano, Conel M.O’D. Alexander, Richard W. Carlson, Jan Render, Gregory A. Brennecka, Emma S. Bullock Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 627, 1 February 2024, 118551 LINK “Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most…
Water circulation in Ryugu asteroid affected the distribution of nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in returned sampleOPEN ACCESS
Tetsuya Yokoyama Meenakshi Wadhwa Tsuyoshi Iizuka Vinai Rai Ikshu Gautam Yuki Hibiya Yuki Masuda Makiko K. Haba Ryota Fukai Rebekah Hines Nicole Phelan Yoshinari Abe Jérôme Aléon Conel M. O’D. Alexander Sachiko Amari Yuri Amelin…
Genetic relationships of solar system bodies based on their nucleosynthetic Ti isotope compositions and sub-structures of the solar protoplanetary diskOPEN ACCESS
Miriam Rüfenacht, Précillia Morino, Yi-Jen Lai, Manuela A. Fehr, Makiko K. Haba, Maria Schönbächler Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Nucleosynthetic isotope variations are powerful tools…
Titanium and chromium isotopic compositions of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions: Implications for the sources of isotopic anomalies and the formation of distinct isotopic reservoirs in the early Solar System
Zachary A. Torrano, Gregory A. Brennecka, Cameron M. Mercer, Stephen J. Romaniello, Vinai K. Rai, Rebekah R. Hines, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 March 2023 LINK “As the…
Disk transport rates from Ti isotopic signatures of refractory inclusionsOPEN ACCESS
Jan Render, James F. J. Bryson, Samuel Ebert, Gregory A. Brennecka MAPSVersion of Record online: 10 November 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The early solar system was a dynamic period during which the formation…
Titanium isotope systematics of refractory inclusions: Echoes of molecular cloud heterogeneity
Quinn R. Shollenberger, Jan Render, Michelle K. Jordan, Kaitlyn A. McCain, Samuel Ebert, Addi Bischoff, Thorsten Kleine, Edward D.Young Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 5 March 2022 LINK “Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are highly refractory objects…
The relationship between CM and CO chondrites: Insights from combined analyses of titanium, chromium, and oxygen isotopes in CM, CO, and ungrouped chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Zachary A. Torrano, Devin L. Schrader, Jemma Davidson, Richard C. Greenwood, Daniel R.Dunlap, Meenakshi Wadhwa Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 March 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A close…
Titanium isotope fractionation in solar system materials
Niel H. Williams, Manuela A. Fehr, Ian J. Parkinson, Maximilian B. Mandl, Maria Schönbächler Chemical GeologyIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 1 December 2020, 120009 LINK “Highlights • Nebular processes produce limited Ti isotope fractionation…
Early evolution of the solar accretion disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotopes in individual chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Jonas M. Schneider, Christoph Burkhardt, Yves Marrocchi, Gregory A. Brennecka, Thorsten Kleine Submitted to EPSL on Jan 29 2020, accepted in revised form Sep. 12 2020 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Erratum to “Early evolution of the…
Mass-independent fractionation of titanium isotopes and its cosmochemical implications
François Robert, Romain Tartèse, Guillaume Lombardi, Peter Reinhardt, Mathieu Roskosz, Béatrice Doisneau, Zhengbin Deng & Marc Chaussidon Nature Astronomy (2020) LINK “Isotopes of heavy elements are produced in various amounts by nuclear processes in stars….
Lack of resolvable titanium stable isotopic variations in bulk chondrites
Zhengbin Deng, Frédéric Moynier, Kirsten van Zuilen, Paolo A. Sossi, Emily A. Pringle, Marc Chaussidon Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 23 June 2018 LINK “Titanium and calcium are both refractory lithophile elements. Significant stable…
Calcium and titanium isotopes in refractory inclusions from CM, CO, and CR chondrites
Levke Kööp, Andrew M. Davis, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Steven B. Simon Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 489, 1 May 2018, Pages 179–190 Available online 9 March 2018 LINK “Highlights • Some CAIs…
Titanium isotopes and rare earth patterns in CAIs: evidence for thermal processing and gas-dust decoupling in the protoplanetary disk
Andrew M. Davis, Junjun Zhang, Nicolas D. Greber, Jingya Hu, François L.H. Tissot, Nicolas Dauphas Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 July 2017 LINK “Titanium isotopic compositions (mass-dependent fractionation and…
Titanium Stable Isotopic Variations in Chondrites, Achondrites and Lunar Rocks
Nicolas D. Greber, Nicolas Dauphas, Igor S. Puchtel, Beda A. Hofmann, Nicholas T. Arndt Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 June 2017 LINK “Titanium isotopes are potential tracers of processes…
Calcium and Titanium Isotope Systematics in Refractory Inclusions from CM, CO, and CR Chondrites
Kööp L. * Davis A. M. Krot A. N. Nagashima K. Simon S. B. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6280] abstract (PDF) “We studied a large number of CAIs from three different…
Magnesium, Titanium, and Chromium Isotope Compositions of Refractory Inclusions from Several CV3 and CK3 Chondrites: Implications for Nebular Heterogeneity
Z. A. Torrano, V. K. Rai, M. Wadhwa 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2017), Abstract #3045 LINK
New constraints on the relationship between 26Al and oxygen, calcium, and titanium isotopic variation in the early Solar System from a multielement isotopic study of spinel-hibonite inclusions
Levke Kööp, Daisuke Nakashima, Philipp R. Heck, Noriko T. Kita, Travis J. Tenner, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Changkun Park, Andrew M. Davis Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Available online 20 April 2016 LINK…