The Earth atmosphere-like bulk nitrogen isotope composition obtained by stepwise combustion analyses of Ryugu return samplesOPEN ACCESS
Ko Hashizume, Akizumi Ishida, Ayano Chiba, Ryuji Okazaki, Kasumi Yogata, Toru Yada, Fumio Kitajima, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Tomoki Nakamura, Takaaki Noguchi, Hikaru Yabuta, Hiroshi Naraoka, Yoshinori Takano, Kanako Sakamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Masahiro Nishimura, Aiko Nakato, Akiko…
Earth’s volatile element depletion pattern inherited from a carbonaceous chondrite-like source
Ninja Braukmüller, Frank Wombacher, Claudia Funk & Carsten Münker Nature Geoscience, 1–5 LINK Supplementary information (PDF) “Earth’s volatile element abundances (for example, sulfur, zinc, indium and lead) provide constraints on fundamental processes, such as planetary…
The origin of volatile element depletion in early solar system material: Clues from Zn isotopes in chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
Emily A. Pringle, Frédéric Moynier, Pierre Beck, Randal Paniello, Dominik C. Hezel Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 468, 15 June 2017, Pages 62-71 Open Access funded by European Research Council LINK (OPEN ACCESS) Update…
Characterising the CI and CI-like carbonaceous chondrites using thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy
Ashley King, Jake Solomon, Paul Schofield, Sara Russell Earth, Planets and Space 2015, 67:198 (9 December 2015) doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0370-4 LINK (open access) “The CI and CI-like chondrites provide a record of aqueous alteration in the early…
Modal mineralogy of CI and CI-like chondrites by X-ray diffraction
A.J. King, P.F. Schofield, K.T. Howard, S.S. Russell Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 May 2015 LINK
The relationship between CI falls and CI finds
Ashley King (NHM), Paul Schofield (NHM), Kieren Howard (KBCC), Sara Russell (NHM) PDF LINK