Fine-grained chondrule rims in Mighei-like carbonaceous chondrites: Evidence for a nebular origin and modification by impacts and recurrent solar radiation heating
Xeynab Mouti Al-Hashimi, Jemma Davidson, Devin L. Schrader, Emma S. Bullock MAPSVersion of Record online: 12 September 2023 LINK “The Mighei-like carbonaceous (CM) chondrites, the most abundant carbonaceous chondrite group by number, further our understanding…
Heterogeneous nature of the carbonaceous chondrite breccia Aguas Zarcas – cosmochemical characterization and origin of new carbonaceous chondrite lithologies
Imene Kerraouch, Yoko Kebukawa, Addi Bischoff, Michael E. Zolensky, Elias Wölfer, Jan L. Hellmann, Motoo Ito, Ashley King, Mario Trieloff, Jean-Alix Barrat, Phillipe Schmitt-Kopplin, Andreas Pack, Markus Patzek, Romy D. Hanna, Thomas Fockenberg, Yves Marrocchi,…
Kinetics in thermal evolution of Raman spectra of chondritic organic matter to evaluate thermal history of their parent bodies
Kento Kiryu, Yoko Kebukawa, Motoko Igisu, Takazo Shibuya, Michael E. Zolensky, Kensei Kobayashi Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:04 August 2020 LINK “In order to establish kinetic expressions for Raman spectroscopic parameters of organic…
An evaluation method of reflectance spectra to be obtained by Hayabusa2 Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) based on laboratory measurements of carbonaceous chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Moe Matsuoka, Tomoki Nakamura, Takahito Osawa, Takahiro Iwata, Kohei Kitazato, Masanao Abe, Yusuke Nakauchi, Takehiko Arai, Mutsumi Komatsu, Takahiro Hiroi, Naoya Imae, Akira Yamaguchi, Hideyasu Kojima Earth, Planets and Space December 2017, 69:120 First Online:04…
Reactive ammonia in the solar protoplanetary disk and the origin of Earth’s nitrogen
Dennis Harries,Peter Hoppe, Falko Langenhorst Nature Geoscience (2015) doi:10.1038/ngeo2339 LINK Supplementary Information (PDF) Yamato 793321