On the sodium enhancement in spectra of slow meteors and the origin of Na-rich meteoroidsOPEN ACCESS
Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth, Leonard Kornoš, Stefan Loehle IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 22 April 2020 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Highlights • The effect of speed dependency on the measured Na/Mg intensity ratio in…
The isotopic composition of volatiles in the unique Bench Crater carbonaceous chondrite impactor found in the Apollo 12 regolith
K.H. Joy, R. Tartèse, S. Messenger, M.E. Zolensky, Y. Marrocchi, D.R. Frank, D.A. Kring Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116265 LINK “Highlights • The lunar regolith has accumulated volatiles from impacting…
The effects of atmospheric entry heating on organic matter in interplanetary dust particles and micrometeorites
M.E.I. Riebe, D.I. Foustoukos, C.M.O’D. Alexander, A. Steele, G.D. Cody, B.O. Mysen, L.R. Nittler Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116266 LINK “Highlights • Atmospheric entry heating altered the organic matter in…
New implications for the origin of the IAB main group iron meteorites and the isotopic evolution of the noncarbonaceous (NC) reservoir
Connor D.Hilton, Richard J.Walker Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116248 LINK “Highlights • The IAB-MG iron meteorites have a μ182W value of −295 ± 3.• The IAB-MG are constrained to have…
Petrography, geochemistry and classification of ten new iron meteorites from Northwest Africa and Chile
Massimo D’Orazio Periodico di MineralogiaVol 89, No 1 (2020) LINK “I present detailed petrographic descriptions and major- and trace-element data on a set of ten new iron meteorites (irons) from Nortwest Africa and the Atacama…
Earliest evidence of a death and injury by a meteorite
O. Unsalan, A. Bayatlı, P. Jenniskens Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 22 April 2020 LINK “Our planet experiences falls of meteorites with different airburst and ground impact risk. Some of these meteors can survive after…