How do secondary iron enrichments form within basaltic eucrites? An experimental approachOPEN ACCESS
Stella Rombeck, Christian Vollmer, Julia Roszjar, Adam R. Sarafian, Stephan Klemme Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 02 May 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Some basaltic eucrites and basaltic lithologies in howardites derived…
An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part IV: Planetesimal differentiation and impact mineralization (4566 to 4560 Ma)
Shaunna M. Morrison, Robert M. Hazen American Mineralogist (2021) 106 (5): 730–761 LINK “The fourth installment of the evolutionary system of mineralogy considers two stages of planetesimal mineralogy that occurred early in the history of…