Bolide fragment detection in Doppler weather radar data using artificial intelligence / machine learning
Brendon Smeresky, Paul Abell, Marc Fries, Mike Hankey Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 27 July 2021 LINK “Unsupervised machine learning methods present a promising approach for detecting fragments produced from meteors and bolides as distinct…
The Global Meteor Network — Methodology and First ResultsOPEN ACCESS
Denis Vida, Damir Šegon, Peter S. Gural, Peter G. Brown, Mark J.M. McIntyre, Tammo Jan Dijkema, Lovro Pavletić, Patrik Kukić, Michael J. Mazur, Peter Eschman, Paul Roggemans, Aleksandar Merlak, Dario Zubović Accepted for publication in…
Evaluating urban micrometeorites as a research resource — A large population collected from a single rooftopOPEN ACCESS
M. D. Suttle, T. Hasse, L. Hecht Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 27 July 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report the recovery and characterization of a new urban micrometeorite collection derived…