Mineralogy of the RBT 04262 Martian meteorite as determined by micro-Raman and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopiesOPEN ACCESS
Jennifer Huidobro, Julene Aramendia, Cristina García-Florentino, Patricia Ruiz-Galende, Imanol Torre-Fdez, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana, Juan Manuel Madariaga Journal of Raman SpectroscopyAvailable online 28 December 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Martian meteorites and terrestrial analogs…
Refractory inclusions as Type IA chondrule precursors: Constraints from melting experiments
Scott A. Whattam, Roger H. Hewins, Jieun Seo, Bertrand Devouard Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 December 2021 LINK “The formation of chondrules involved major processes in the protoplanetary disk and…