Towards In-Situ Geochemical Analysis of Planetary Rocks and Soils by Laser Ablation/Ionisation Time-of-Flight Mass SpectrometryOPEN ACCESS
Marek Tulej, Peter Keresztes Schmidt, Salome Gruchola, Coenraad P. de Koning, Kristina A. Kipfer, Nikita J. Boeren, Niels F. W. Ligterink, Andreas Riedo and Peter Wurz Universe, 2022, 8(8), 410ReviewPublished: 4 August 2022 LINK (OPEN…
Inferring interiors and structural history of top-shaped asteroids from external properties of asteroid (101955) BennuOPEN ACCESS
Yun Zhang, Patrick Michel, Olivier S. Barnouin, James H. Roberts, Michael G. Daly, Ronald-L. Ballouz, Kevin J. Walsh, Derek C. Richardson, Christine M. Hartzell & Dante S. Lauretta Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 4589Published:…