On the Power Law for Describing the Mass Distribution of Fragments of a Disrupted Cosmic Body
I. G. Brykina & L. A. Egorova Solar System Research; Volume 56, pages 338–350Published: 12 September 2022 LINK “An important characteristic of the disruption of cosmic bodies (asteroids at their collision in outer space, meteoroids…
53Mn-53Cr chronology and ε54Cr-Δ17O genealogy of Erg Chech 002: the oldest andesite in the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Aryavart Anand, Pascal M. Kruttasch, Klaus Mezger Accepted in ‘Meteoritics & Planetary Science’ journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (23 October 2022): MAPS LINK “The meteorite sample Erg Chech (EC) 002 is the oldest felsic igneous…
Preatmospheric Detection of a Meter-sized Earth ImpactorOPEN ACCESS
David L. Clark, Paul A. Wiegert, Peter G. Brown, Denis Vida, Aren Heinze, Larry Denneau This article has been submitted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update: (8 June 2023): The…