Young magmatism and Si-rich melts on Mars as documented in the enriched gabbroic shergottite NWA 6963OPEN ACCESS
Miles Lindner, Dominik C. Hezel, Axel Gerdes, Horst R. Marschall, Frank E. Brenker MAPSVersion of Record online: 17 October 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Enriched shergottites contain interstitial Si-rich mesostasis; however, it is unclear…
Discriminating between impact or nonimpact origin of small meteorite crater candidates: No evidence for an impact origin for the Tor crater, Sweden
Jüri Plado, Ania Losiak, Argo Jõeleht, Jens Ormö, Helena Alexanderson, Carl Alwmark, Eva Maria Wild, Peter Steier, Marek Awdankiewicz, Claire Belcher MAPSVersion of Record online: 17 October 2022 LINK “Compared to intensive research on km-sized…
Particle size distributions inside and around the artificial crater produced by the Hayabusa2 impact experiment on RyuguOPEN ACCESS
K. Ogawa, N. Sakatani, T. Kadono, M. Arakawa, R. Honda, K. Wada, K. Shirai, Y. Shimaki, K. Ishibashi, Y. Yokota, T. Saiki, H. Imamura, Y. Tsuda, S. Nakazawa, Y. Takagi, M. Hayakawa, H. Yano, C….