Rapid characterisation of Mars’ mantle reservoirs by in situ laser ablation 87Sr/86Sr analysis of shocked feldspar (maskelynite)
Daniel L. Burgin, James M. Scott, Petrus J. le Roux, Geoffrey Howarth, Marshall C. Palmer, Thomas A. Czertowicz, Marianne Negrini, Malcolm R. Reid, Claudine H. Stirling Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 15 November 2022 LINK…
Vesicular olivines and pyroxenes in shocked Kamargaon L6 Chondrite: Implications for primary volatiles and its multiple impacts history
Kishan Tiwari, Sujoy Ghosh, Masaaki Miyahara, Dwijesh Ray JGR PlanetsFirst Published: 14 November 2022 LINK We report the first occurrence of vesicular olivine and pyroxene in an ordinary chondrite Vesicles possibly formed due to release…
Structural changes in shocked tektite and their implications to impact-induced glass formationOPEN ACCESS
Toshimori Sekine, Tsubasa Tobase, Youjun Zhang, Ginga Kitahara, Akira Yoshiasa, Tomoko Sato, Takamichi Kobayashi, and Akihisa Mori American Mineralogistpreprint PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Heavy meteorite impacts on the Earth surface produce melt and vapor which are…
Controls on determining the bulk water content of the Moon
Ananya Mallik, Sabrina Schwinger, Arkadeep Roy, Pranabendu Moitra MAPSVersion of Record online: 15 November 2022 LINK “The Moon is much wetter than previously thought. The estimated bulk H2O concentrations based on the analyses of H2O…