Shock-recovered maskelynite indicates low-pressure ejection of shergottites from MarsOPEN ACCESS
Jinping Hu, Paul D. Asimow, Yang Liu, and Chi Ma Science Advances3 May 2023Vol 9, Issue LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Diaplectic feldspathic glass, commonly known as maskelynite, is a widely used impact indicator, notably…
Thermal and shock history of Almahata Sitta meteorite inferred from structure refinement of pyroxene and Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe-Ni metal
Yassir A. Abdu, Abbasher M. Gismelseed, Atta G. Attaelmanan, Muawia H. Shaddad, Frank C. Hawthorne MAPSVersion of Record online: 04 May 2023 LINK “The crystal structures of orthopyroxene (En86.3Fs8.6Wo5.1, space group Pbca) and pigeonite (En81.7Fs8.8Wo9.5,…