Investigating the crystallization history of Apollo 15 mare basalts using quantitative textural analysisOPEN ACCESS
S. K. Bell, K. H. Joy, J. F. Pernet-Fisher, M. E. Hartley MAPSVersion of Record online: 23 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mare basalts collected at the Apollo 15 landing site are classified…
Micro-XCT chondrule classification for subsequent isotope analysisOPEN ACCESS
Noah Jäggi, Antoine S. G. Roth, Miriam Rüfenacht, Maria Schönbächler, André Galli MAPSVersion of Record online: 23 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Chondrules are microscopic, recrystallized melt droplets found in chondritic meteorites. High-resolution…
Magnetic Recording Stability of Taenite-Containing MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
José A. P. M. Devienne, Thomas A. Berndt, Wyn Williams, Lesleis Nagy Geophysical Research LettersVolume 50, Issue1228 June 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Key Points Nanometer-scaled taenite observed in different meteoritic microstructures are magnetically…