The bulk mineralogy, elemental composition, and water content of the Winchcombe CM chondrite fallOPEN ACCESS
H. C. Bates, A. J. King, K. S. Shirley, E. Bonsall, C. Schröder, F. Wombacher, T. Fockenberg, R. J. Curtis, N. E. Bowles MAPSFirst published: 11 July 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “On the…
Epitaxial fluorapatite vein in Northwest Africa 998 host apatite: Clues on the geochemistry of late hydrothermal fluids on Mars
Marina Martínez, Charles K. Shearer, Adrian J. Brearley MAPSFirst published: 11 July 2023 LINK “Secondary minerals in martian nakhlites provide a powerful tool for investigating the nature, composition, and duration of aqueous activity in the…