The parent bodies of CR chondrites and their secondary historyOPEN ACCESS
Trygve Prestgard, Pierre Beck, Lydie Bonal, Jolantha Eschrig, Jérôme Gattacceca, Corinne Sonzogni, Lisa Krämer Ruggiu MAPSVersion of Record online: 31 July 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Renazzo-type (CR) chondrites are a relatively rare group…
Generation of a measurable magnetic field in a metal asteroid with a rubble-pile core
Zhongtian Zhang and David Bercovici PNAS Vol. 120 | No. 32July 31, 2023 LINK “SignificanceIron meteorites represent cores of differentiated objects, which are possibly the building blocks of planetary cores. The parent body of iron…