Implications of Differentiated Late Accretion for the Volatile Inventory of the Bulk Silicate EarthOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal and Varun Manilal The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 6, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth is believed to have acquired its highly siderophile element (HSE) inventory through the late accretion…
Microstructural analysis of phosphorus (P)-bearing assemblages in type 3 chondrites: Implications for P condensation and processing in the early solar nebula
M.C. Benner, V.R. Manga, B.S. Prince, L.M. Ziurys, T.J. Zega Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 January 2025 LINK “As the limiting element in the development of living systems, it is…