Numerical prediction of meteoric infrasound signaturesOPEN ACCESS 

Marian Nemec, Michael J. Aftosmis, Peter G. Brown

Planetary and Space Science
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 10 March 2017


“We present a thorough validation of a computational approach to predict infrasonic signatures of centimeter-sized meteoroids. This is the first direct comparison of computational results with well-calibrated observations that include trajectories, optical masses and ground pressure signatures. We assume that the energy deposition along the meteor trail is dominated by atmospheric drag and simulate a steady, inviscid flow of air in thermochemical equilibrium to compute a near-body pressure signature of the meteoroid. This signature is then propagated through a stratified and windy atmosphere to the ground using a methodology from aircraft sonic-boom analysis. The results show that when the source of the signature is the cylindrical Mach-cone, the simulations closely match the observations. The prediction of the shock rise-time, the zero-peak amplitude of the waveform and the duration of the positive pressure phase are consistently within 10% of the measurements. Uncertainty in primarily the shape of the meteoroid results in a poorer prediction of the trailing part of the waveform. Overall, our results independently verify energy deposition estimates deduced from optical observations.”