Localized equilibrium and mineralogic effects on trace element distribution and mobility in highly metamorphosed eucrite Elephant Moraine (EET) 90020OPEN ACCESS
J.S. Gorce, D.W. Mittlefehldt, J.I. Simon
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 1 September 2022
“Eucrites exhibit a range of igneous and metamorphic textures and geochemistries that can be used to study the evolution of early planetary differentiation and crust formation in the solar system. We integrated petrologic/textural observations, in-situ geochemical analyses, and thermodynamic modeling to explore the petrogenesis of Elephant Moraine (EET) 90020, an unbrecciated meteorite. We identified microdomains that record relatively high metamorphic temperatures and concluded that diffusion processes likely modified EET 90020 during and/or after peak thermal conditions. There is little evidence that partial melting caused the distribution of minor and trace elements within or among the microdomains. Trace element linear transect measurements within the microdomains imply that phosphate minerals strongly controlled trace element distributions throughout the sample. The discrepancy between the observed metamorphic textures, major element chemistry, and the trace element distributions is a consequence of differing chemical mobility. Multiple processes are influencing geochemistry within a single sample which has implications for the development of petrogenetic models that seek to reconcile the differences observed between eucrite geochemical groups.”