Zircon trace element evidence for early hydrothermal activity on MarsOPEN ACCESS
Jack Gillespie, Aaron J. Cavosie, Denis Fougerouse, Cristiana L. Ciobanu, William D. A. Rickard, David W. Saxey, Gretchen K. Benedix, and Phil A. Bland Science Advances22 Nov 2024Vol 10, Issue 47 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
The influence of ALH 84001 on our understanding of the origin and evolution of MarsOPEN ACCESS
Kevin Righter MAPS, Version of Record online: 22 November 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “ALH 84001 is an orthopyroxenite that is the oldest known Martian meteorite. Given this rock type and age, and the…