From Meteorite to Life’s Building Blocks: A possible Electrochemical Pathway to Amino Acids and Peptide BondsOPEN ACCESS
Lucas Fernandez, Farzaneh Yari, Günter Hesser, Wolfgang Schöfberger
Chemistry – A European Journal
First published: 20 August 2024
“This study explores the electrochemical properties of the carbonaceous Allende CV3 meteorite, focusing on its potential as a Fe-based catalyst derived from Mackinawite iron sulfide for electrocatalytic reactions facilitating nitrogen (N2) fixation into ammonia. Through comprehensive analysis, we not only monitored the evolution of key compounds such as CN-, sulfur/H2S, H2 and carbonyl compounds, but also identified potential reagent carriers, indicating significant implications for the Strecker synthesis of amino acids in space environments. Initial examination revealed the presence of polypeptides, notably sequences including trimer Gly3, pentamer Gly3-Ala2, and hexamer Gly4-(HO-Gly)2. These discoveries greatly enhance our understanding of astrobiological chemistry, offering valuable insights into prebiotic processes and the potential presence of life-building blocks throughout the universe.”