Incompatible trace element geochemistry of the anorthositic achondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 15118: Relation to diogenites and the Vestan magma oceanOPEN ACCESS
A. I. Sheen, K. T. Tait, V. E. Di Cecco, B. R. Joy, C. J. Bray MAPS, Version of Record online: 03 December 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Petrogenetic models for the howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED)…
The origin of 4-Vesta’s volatile depletion revealed by the zinc isotopic composition of diogenitesOPEN ACCESS
Linru Fang, Frederic Moynier, Jean-Alix Barrat, Akira Yamaguchi, Marine Paquet and Marc Chaussidon Science Advances14 Aug 2024Vol 10, Issue 33 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Volatile element abundances vary substantially among terrestrial planetary bodies like…
An anorthositic meteorite supporting an ancient magma ocean on Vesta
Shijie Li, Dongliang Zhang, Qiao Shu, Huiming Bao, Xiaobin Cao, Jia Liu, Liping Qin, Yan Fan, Shenghua Zhou, Dehan Shen & Mingbao Li Nature Astronomy LINK “The widespread occurrence of ferroan anorthosites and other magmatic…
How many Vesta-like bodies existed in the asteroid belt?OPEN ACCESS
T. H. Burbine, R. C. Greenwood, B. Zhang, P. C. Buchanan MAPS, Version of Record online: 24 January 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid 4 Vesta is typically thought to be the parent body…
A slowly cooled deep crust on asteroid 4 Vesta and the recent impact history of rubble pile vestoids recorded by diogenitesOPEN ACCESS
F. Jourdan, T. Kennedy, L. Foreman, C. Mayers, E. Eroglu, A. Yamaguchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 November 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “In this study, we investigate the 40Ar/39Ar systematics…
Search for carbonaceous chondrites evidence on Vesta through the detection of carbonatesOPEN ACCESS
G. Massa, E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, M. Angrisani, C. Gisellu, F. Dirri, M.C. De Sanctis, A. Raponi, F.G. Carrozzo, M. Ciarniello IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 November 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Study…
A Geologic Map of Vesta Produced Using a Hybrid Method for Incorporating Spectroscopic and Morphologic DataOPEN ACCESS
R. Aileen Yingst, Scott C. Mest, W. Brent Garry, David A. Williams, Daniel C. Berman and Tracy K. P. Gregg The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 9 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We have…
V-type Asteroids as the Origin of MesosideritesOPEN ACCESS
Guy Libourel, Pierre Beck, Akiko M. Nakamura, Pierre Vernazza, Clement Ganino and Patrick Michel The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 7 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We present the results of a campaign of…
Pyroxene and Hydroxyl Signatures in Vesta Newly Calibrated Data from Dawn MissionOPEN ACCESS
Giuseppe Massa, Andrea Longobardo, Ernesto Palomba, Marianna Angrisani, Chiara Gisellu, Fabrizio Dirri, Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Andrea Raponi, Filippo Giacomo Carrozzo and Mauro Ciarniello Universe 2023, 9(6), 296 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Thanks to…
Determining the Pyroxene Mineralogies of VestoidsOPEN ACCESS
T. H. Burbine, P. C, Buchanan, M. J. Jercinovic and R. C. Greenwood The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 5 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Bulk pyroxene compositions were calculated for a number of…
Mass-dependent nickel isotopic variations in achondrites and lunar rocks
Shui-Jiong Wang, Shi-Jie Li, Yangting Lin, Si-Zhang Sheng Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 April 2023 LINK “We present high-precision mass-dependent nickel isotopic data for a comprehensive suite of achondrites and…
Lead-Lead (Pb-Pb) Dating of Eucrites and Mesosiderites: Implications for the Formation and Evolution of VestaOPEN ACCESS
I. Kouvatsis, J.A. Cartwright, M.J. Whitehouse Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid 4 Vesta is the largest known differentiated body in the asteroid belt, and…
Spectral analysis of basaltic asteroids observed by the Gaia space missionOPEN ACCESS
Dagmara Oszkiewicz, Hanna Klimczak, Benoit Carry, Antti Penttila, Marcel Popescu, Joahim Kruger, Marcelo Aron Keniger Accepted to MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “There is a great deal of scientific interest in characterizing the basaltic asteroids (spectrally…
Asteroids accretion, differentiation, and break-up in the Vesta source region: evidence from cosmochemistry of mesosiderites
S. Iannini Lelarge, L. Folco, M. Masotta, R.C. Greenwood, S.S. Russell, H.C. Bates Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 11 May 2022 LINK “The cosmochemistry of meteorites provides unique clues on asteroids accretion, differentiation, collisional break-up…
A young age of formation of Rheasilvia basin on Vesta from floor deformation patterns and crater counts
Paul M. Schenk, Alicia Neesemann, Simone Marchi, Katharina Otto, Trudi Hoogenboom, David P. O’Brien, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 16 December 2021 LINK “Delivery of…
Formation of ejecta and dust pond deposits on asteroid Vesta
R. Parekh, K. A. Otto, K.D. Matz, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, T. Roatsch, E. Kersten, S. Elgner, C. T. Russell, C. A. Raymond JGR PlanetsFirst published: 01 November 2021 LINK “Dust and melt ponds have…
Specific heat and thermal history of the Sariçiçek howardite
Cisem Altunayar-Unsalan, Ozan Unsalan, Marian A. Szurgot, Radosław A. Wach Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 27 October 2021 LINK “Meteorites are excavated fragments from asteroid surfaces and planets, and determining their thermophysical properties…
The abundances of F, Cl, and H2O in eucrites: Implications for the origin of volatile depletion in the asteroid 4 Vesta
Francis M. McCubbin, Jonathan A. Lewis, Jessica J.Barnes, Stephen M. Elardo, Jeremy W.Boyce Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 August 2021 LINK “We conducted a petrologic study of apatite within eight…
A model for evolving crust on 4 Vesta through combined compositional and thermal modelling
Jennifer T. Mitchell, Andrew G. Tomkins, Christopher Newton, Tim E. Johnson Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 571, 1 October 2021, 11710 LINK “Highlights • pMELTS modelling suggests that diogenites require a Ca-poor source.• Early extraction…
The unique spectral and geomorphological characteristics of pitted impact deposits associated with Marcia crater on Vesta
T. Michalik, K.-D. Matz, S.E. Schröder, R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, K. Krohn, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, K.A. Otto IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 July 2021 LINK “Highlights • Pitted impact deposits…
Differentiation and magmatic history of Vesta: Constraints from HED meteorites and dawn spacecraft data
Harry Y. McSween, Carol A. Raymond, Edward M. Stolper, David W. Mittlefehldt, Michael B.Baker, Nicole G.Lunning, Andrew W.Beck, Timothy M. Hahn Geochemistry In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 September 2019 LINK “Quantifying the amounts…
The water and fluorine content of 4 Vesta
Adam R. Sarafian, Sune G. Nielsen, Horst R. Marschall, Glenn A. Gaetani, Kevin Righter, Eve L. Berger Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta LINK “The processes that controlled accretion of water and volatiles to the inner solar…
Tracking the volatile and magmatic history of Vesta from chromium stable isotope variations in eucrite and diogenite meteorites
Ke Zhu, Paolo A. Sossi, Julien Siebert, Frédéric Moynier Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 1 August 2019 LINK “Although Solar System bodies exhibit large variations in their volatile element abundances,…
Mesosiderite formation on asteroid 4 Vesta by a hit-and-run collisionOPEN ACCESS
Makiko K. Haba, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Yi-Jen Lai, Akira Yamaguchi & Maria Schönbächler Nature Geoscience, 1–6 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) (update: 31 March 2021) “Collision and disruption processes of protoplanetary bodies in the early Solar System…
Significant depletion of volatile elements in the mantle of asteroid Vesta due to core formation
E.S. Steenstra, D. Dankers, J. Berndt, S. Klemme, S. Matveev, W. van Westrenen Icarus Available online 5 September 2018 LINK “Highlights • Vestan mantle volatile element depletions do not only reflect degassing. • Many volatile…
The late accretion and erosion of Vesta’s crust recorded by eucrites and diogenites as an astrochemical window into the formation of Jupiter and the early evolution of the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
D. Turrini, V. Svetsov, G. Consolmagno, S. Sirono, M. Jutzi Icarus In Press, Available online 4 April 2018 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The eucrites and diogenites are differentiated meteorites whose genetic link with…
Mg-rich harzburgites from Vesta: Mantle residua or cumulates from planetary differentiation?
Hahn, T. M., Lunning, N. G., McSween, H. Y., Bodnar, R. J. and Taylor, L. A. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13036 LINK “We describe petrographic, electron microprobe, and laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of Mg-rich…
Basaltic volcanism on the angrite parent body: Comparison with 4 Vesta
Abernethy, F. A. J., Verchovsky, A. B., Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13016 LINK “Carbon and nitrogen data from stepped combustion analysis of eight angrites, seven eucrites, and…
Differentiation and magmatic activity in Vesta evidenced by 26Al-26Mg dating in eucrites and diogenitesOPEN ACCESS
G. Hublet, V. Debaille, J. Wimpenny, Q-Z. Yin Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 8 September 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The 26Al-26Mg short-lived chronometer has been widely used…
The petrology and chronology of NWA 8009 impact melt breccia: Implication for early thermal and impact histories of Vesta
Shiyong Liao, Weibiao Hsu Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 January 2017 LINK “Studies of petrology, mineralogy and geochronology of eucrites are keys to reconstruct the thermal and impact history…
Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician periodOPEN ACCESS
Philipp R. Heck, Birger Schmitz, William F. Bottke, Surya S. Rout, Noriko T. Kita, Anders Cronholm, Céline Defouilloy, Andrei Dronov & Fredrik Terfelt Nature Astronomy 1 Article number: 0035 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41550-016-0035 Published online: 23 January…
Igneous lithologies on asteroid (4) Vesta mapped using gamma-ray and neutron data
Andrew W. Beck, David J. Lawrence, Patrick N. Peplowski, Christina E. Viviano-Beck, Thomas H. Prettyman, Timothy J. McCoy, Harry Y. McSween Jr, Naoyuki Yamashita Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 10 January 2017 LINK…
Prolonged magmatism on 4 Vesta inferred from Hf–W analyses of eucrite zircon
J. Roszjar, M.J. Whitehouse, G. Srinivasan, K. Mezger, E.E. Scherer, J.A. Van Orman, A. Bischoff Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 452, 15 October 2016, Pages 216–226 LINK “Highlights • Distinct zircon growth intervals require…
Crystallization and cooling conditions for the diogenite formation in the turbulent magma ocean of the asteroid 4 VestaOPEN ACCESS
Yusuke Kawabata, Hiroko Nagahara PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The asteroid 4 Vesta has been completely differentiated to core and mantle despite its small size, of which surface materials are howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites that we know the…
Petrology and oxygen isotopic compositions of clasts in HED polymict breccia NWA 5232.
van Drongelen, K. D., Rumble, D. and Tait, K. T. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12651 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 5232, an 18.5 kg polymict eucrite, comprises eucritic and exogenic CM carbonaceous chondrite clasts within…