Fe, Zn, and Mg stable isotope systematics of acapulcoite lodranite clan meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Lidia Pittarello, Genevieve Hublet, Philippe Claeys, Vinciane Debaille, Frank Vanhaecke, Steven Goderis MAPS, Version of Record online: 24 September 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The processes of planetary accretion and differentiation,…
The H-poor nature of incompletely melted planetesimals: The view from acapulcoites and lodranites
Liam D. Peterson, Megan E. Newcombe, Conel M.O’D. Alexander, Jianhua Wang, Sune G. Nielsen In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 February 2024 LINK “The abundance of H in planetary building blocks is of fundamental…
Magnetism of the Acapulco Primitive Achondrite and Implications for the Evolution of Partially Differentiated BodiesOPEN ACCESS
Elias N. Mansbach, Benjamin P. Weiss, Neesha R. Schnepf, Eduardo A. Lima, Cauê S. Borlina, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Jérôme Gattacceca, Minoru Uehara, Huapei Wang JGR PlanetsFirst published: 14 December 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Primitive…
Hydrogen in acapulcoites and lodranites: A unique source of water for planetesimals in the inner Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
A. Stephant, X. Zhao, M. Anand, J. Davidson, C. Carli, T. Cuppone, G. Pratesi, I.A. Franchi Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 615, 1 August 2023, 118202 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights Partial melting up to 20%…
Thermochemical evolution of the acapulcoite–lodranite parent body: Evidence for fragmentation-disrupted partial differentiation
Michael P. Lucas, Nicholas Dygert, Jialong Ren, Marc A. Hesse, Nathaniel R. Miller, Harry Y. McSween MAPSVersion of Record online: 21 November 2022 LINK “Primitive achondrites of the acapulcoite–lodranite clan (ALC) are residues of partial…
Anomalous Acapulcoite Stones Found in Close Proximity to the Erg Atouila 001 Achondrite Provide Evidence for a Heterogeneous Sodium-Rich Meteoroid Derived from the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body
Irving A. J., Carpenter P. K. MetSoc2022 abstract #6370 LINK “Anomalous albite-rich acapulcoite stones found near the Erg Atouila 001 sodic achondrite in Mali may be components of the same heterogeneous meteoroid.”
Ultrasodic, Albite-Rich Syenitic Achondrite Erg Atouila 001: A Highly Evolved Felsic Igneous Differentiate from the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body
Irving A. J., Boesenberg J. S., Ziegler K. LPSC2022 abstract #2059 LINK “Studies of a unique albite-rich achondrite suggest that it is a highly fractionated partial melt related to acapulcoites-lodranites.”
C. B. Agee, A. J. Ross, M. N. Spilde, K. Ziegler 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2022) abstract [#2442] LINK “Erg Atouila 001 is the first example of an albitite or syenite meteorite, and…
Spectral properties and mineral compositions of acapulcoite–lodranite clan meteorites: Establishing S‐type asteroid–meteorite connections
Michael P. Lucas, Joshua P. Emery, Takahiro Hiroi, Harry Y. McSween Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13203 First published: 03 October 2018 LINK “Except for asteroid sample return missions, measurements of the spectral properties of both…
Evidence for a Multilayered Internal Structure of the Chondritic Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Asteroid
Shijie Li, Qing-Zhu Yin, Huiming Bao, Matthew E. Sanborn, Anthony Irving, Karen Ziegler, Carl Agee, Kurt Marti, Bingkui Miao, Xiongyao Li, Yang Li, Shijie Wang Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online…
Modeling the evolution of the parent body of acapulcoites and lodranites: A case study for partially differentiated asteroids
Wladimir Neumann, Stephan Henke, Doris Breuer, Hans-Peter Gail, Winfried H. Schwarz, Mario Trieloff, Jens Hopp, Tilman Spohn Icarus Available online 30 March 2018 LINK Highlights • We model the thermo-chemical evolution of the acapulcoite-lodranite parent…
Multistage formation processes in the acapulcoite-lodranite parent body: Mineralogical study of anomalous lodranite, Yamato 983119
Masahiro Yasutake, Akira Yamaguchi Polar Science Available online 23 September 2017 In Press, Accepted Manuscript LINK “Y 983119 is a coarse-grained rock consisting mainly of orthopyroxene (44–71 vol%, Wo3En94Fs4), olivine (4–30 vol%, Fo97), Fe, Ni…