Peculiarities of the Extraterrestrial Basalts of the Solar System with Reference to the Exoplanet Science: a Brief Review
S. I. Demidova & D. D. Badyukov Geochemistry International, Volume 61, pages 453–467Published: 06 July 2023 LINK “The formation of basalts is a global stage in the evolution of differentiated cosmic body (planet or asteroid)…
Spins and shapes of basaltic asteroids and the missing mantle problemOPEN ACCESS
Dagmara Oszkiewicz, Volodymyr Troianskyi, Adrián Galád, Josef Hanuš, Josef Ďurech, Emil Wilawer, Anna Marciniak, Tomasz Kwiatkowski, Paweł Koleńczuk, Brian A. Skiff, Tom Polakis, Nicholas A. Moskovitz, Stefan Geier, Dóra Föhring, Denise Hung, Štefan Gajdoš, Jozef…
Spectral analysis of basaltic asteroids observed by the Gaia space missionOPEN ACCESS
Dagmara Oszkiewicz, Hanna Klimczak, Benoit Carry, Antti Penttila, Marcel Popescu, Joahim Kruger, Marcelo Aron Keniger Accepted to MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “There is a great deal of scientific interest in characterizing the basaltic asteroids (spectrally…
Unique angrite-like fragments in a CH3 chondrite reveal a new basaltic planetesimal
Ai-Cheng Zhang, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Minami Kuroda, Yang Li, Hua-Pei Wang, Xue-Ning Bai, Naoya Sakamoto, Qing-Zhu Yin, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 February 2020 LINK “Most meteorites are…
Distribution and spectrophotometric classification of basaltic asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Jad-Alexandru Mansour, Marcel Popescu, Julia de León, Javier Licandro MNRAS 000, 1–13 (2019) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We aim to determine the distribution of basaltic asteroids (classified as V-types) based on the spectrophotometric data reported in…
Oxygen isotopes in HED meteorites and their constraints on parent asteroids
Chuantong Zhang, Bingkui Miao, Huaiyu He Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 19 February 2019 LINK “Highlights • 146 HEDs have similar Δ17O values of −0.240 ± 0.020‰ (2σ) and derive from 4Vesta….
Basaltic material in the main belt: a tale of two (or more) parent bodies?OPEN ACCESS
S. Ieva,E. Dotto, D. Lazzaro, D. Fulvio,D. Perna, E. Mazzotta Epifani, H. Medeiros, M. Fulchignoni accepted for publication to MNRAS PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The majority of basaltic objects in the main belt are dynamically connected…
Basalt or not? Near-infrared spectra, surface mineralogical estimates, and meteorite analogs for 33 Vp-type asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Paul S. Hardersen, Vishnu Reddy, Edward Cloutis, Matt Nowinski, Margaret Dievendorf, Russell M. Genet, Savan Becker, Rachel Roberts PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Investigations of the main asteroid belt and efforts to constrain that population’s physical characteristics…