Simulating the Benešov bolide flowfield and spectrum at altitudes of 47 and 57 km
Christopher O. Johnston, Eric C. Stern, Jiří Borovička IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 August 2020 LINK “Highlights • State-of-the-art meteor flowfield and luminosity model developed for the continuum flow regime.• Developed model includes…
Inference of meteoroid characteristics using a genetic algorithmOPEN ACCESS
Ana Maria Tarano, Lorien Wheeler, Sigrid Close, Donovan Mathias Icarus LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) • A new approach for automatically inferring meteoroid parameters is presented. • Objective function and tuning parameters for the…
Atmospheric Energy Deposition Modeling and Inference for Varied Meteoroid StructuresOPEN ACCESS
Lorien F. Wheeler, Donovan L. Mathias, Edward Stokan, Peter G. Brown Icarus Available online 28 June 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The fragment-cloud model is extended to represent atmospheric breakup of…
Identification of meteorite source regions in the solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Mikael Granvik, Peter Brown Icarus Available online 14 April 2018 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Over the past decade there has been a large increase in the number of automated camera networks that monitor…
Radiation of molecules in Benešov bolide spectra
J. Borovička, A.A Berezhnoy Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 June 2016 LINK “We analyzed molecular radiation in the spectra of the very bright Benešov bolide. The Benešov bolide appeared over the Czech…
Are some meteoroids rubble piles?
Jiří Borovička Paper presented at the IAU Symposium 318 Asteroids: New Observations, New Models (Honolulu, USA, August 3-7, 2015). Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union arXiv:1510.07869 PDF (full text) abstract…
Reanalysis of the Benešov bolide and recovery of polymict breccia meteorites – old mystery solved after 20 years
Pavel Spurný, Jakub Haloda, Jiří Borovička, Lukáš Shrbený and Patricie Halodová Published online: 14 October 2014 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201424308 LINK (full text) PDF LINK (full text) Abstract The main motivation for this work was to explain…