Collisions and compositional variability in chondrule-forming eventsOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 January 2021 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Compound chondrules, i.e. chondrules fused together, make a powerful probe of the density and compositional diversity in…
Origin of isolated olivine grains in carbonaceous chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet, Maxime Piralla, Pauline Kersaho, Yves Marrocchi Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 16 November 2020 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine…
An unusual compound object in Yamato 793408 (H3.2‐an): The missing link between compound chondrules and macrochondrules?OPEN ACCESS
Jens Barosch, Dominik C. Hezel, Yves Marrocchi, Andrey Gurenko, Christoph Lenting Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online:05 June 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We found a large (~2 mm) compound object in the…
Low-velocity collisions of chondrules: How a thin dust cover helps enhance the sticking probabilityOPEN ACCESS
Nina Gunkelmann, Akimasa Kataoka, Cornelis P. Dullemond and Herbert M. Urbassek A&A Volume 599, March 2017 24 February 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Aims. The collision of two chondrules covered by a dust…