Submicron-sized anhydrous crystalline silicates and their relation to amorphous silicate in the matrix of Acfer 094
Hugues Leroux, Pierre-Marie Zanetta, Corentin Le Guillou, Maya Marinova Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 30 November 2024 LINK “The study of pristine chondrites provides insight into nebular processes that occurred prior…
Enstatite meteorite clasts in Almahata Sitta and other polymict ureilites: Implications for the formation of asteroid 2008 TC3 and the history of enstatite meteorite parent asteroids
Cyrena Anne Goodrich, Hilary Downes, Richard Greenwood, Aidan J. Ross, Anna Maria Fioretti, Louise Alexander, Noriko T. Kita, Jon Butler, Michael J. Jercinovic, Peter Jenniskens, Muawia H. Shaddad MAPSVersion of Record online: 04 September 2023…
Diverse Oxygen Isotopic Compositions Among Cometary Vapor-Phase Condensates
Kainen L. Utt, Ryan C. Ogliore, Nan Liu, Alexander N. Krot, John P. Bradley, Donald E. Brownlee, David J. Joswiak Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 24 November 2022 LINK “Filamentary enstatite crystals, formed by gas-solid…
Dynamic evolution of major element chemistry in protoplanetary disks and its implications for Earth-enstatite chondrite connection
Yoshinori Miyazaki, Jun Korenaga IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 19 February 2021 LINK “Chondrites are the likely building blocks of Earth, and identifying the group of chondrite that best represents Earth is a key…
Microstructures of enstatite in fine-grained CAIs from CV3 chondrites: Implications for mechanisms and conditions of formation
Shaofan Che, Adrian J. Brearley Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 12 January 2021 LINK “Enstatite is a ubiquitous phase in chondritic meteorites, interplanetary dust particles, and cometary samples. In equilibrium condensation models, enstatite is predicted…
Nanodeformation in enstatite single crystals: simulation of micrometeoroid impacts by femtosecond pulsed laser experiments
Doreen Schmidt, Kilian Pollok, Gabor Matthäus, Stefan Nolte, Falko Langenhorst Geochemistry In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 September 2019 LINK “Space weathering by micrometeoroid bombardment is a cosmic phenomenon on atmosphere-free celestial bodies, a…
Survivability of presolar oxygen isotopic signature of amorphous silicate dust in the protosolar diskOPEN ACCCESS
Daiki Yamamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 31 July 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Oxygen isotope exchange experiments between tens of nanometer‐sized amorphous enstatite grains and…
Oxygen isotopic composition of an enstatite ribbon of probable cometary originOPEN ACCESS
Ryan C. Ogliore, Donald E. Brownlee, Kazuhide Nagashima, David J. Joswiak, Josiah B. Lewis, Alexander N. Krot, Kainen L. Utt, Gary R. Huss Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 23 July 2019 PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Reflectance spectra of synthetic Fe-free ortho- and clinoenstatites in the UV/VIS/IR and implications for remote sensing detection of Fe-free pyroxenes on planetary surfaces
Kathrin Markus, Lyuba Moroz, Gabriele Arnold, Daniela Henckel, Harald Hiesinger, Arno Rohrbach, Klemme Stephan Planetary and Space Science Available online 11 April 2018 LINK “Highlights • Even extremely Fe-poor pyroxenes show deep ultraviolet absorption bands….
Mineralogy, Petrology, and Mineral Chemistry of Northwest Africa 8173: An Anomalous Enstatite Achondrite with Evidence for High-Temperature Silicate Sulphidation
D. D. Uribe, M. R. M. Izawa, P. J. A. McCausland, R. L. Flemming 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016), Abstract #2797 PDF
2D condensation model for the inner Solar Nebula: an enstatite-rich environment
Francesco C. Pignatale, Kurt Liffman, Sarah T. Maddison, Geoffrey Brooks Accepted in MNRAS on 2015 December 23. Received 2015 December 16; in original form 2015 May 04 Published online on 7 Jan 2016 PDF (open…
The role of particle size in the laboratory reflectance spectra of pyroxenes: the case of the 670-nm minor feature
Francesca Mancarella, Vincenzo Orofino, Armando Blanco, Marcella D’Elia, Sergio Fonti Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 29 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.05.012 LINK
39Ar-40Ar chronology of the enstatite chondrite parent bodies
Hopp J, Trieloff M, Ott U, Korochantseva EV and Buykin AI Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 358–372, March 2014 LINK