Submicron-sized anhydrous crystalline silicates and their relation to amorphous silicate in the matrix of Acfer 094

Hugues Leroux, Pierre-Marie Zanetta, Corentin Le Guillou, Maya Marinova

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 30 November 2024


“The study of pristine chondrites provides insight into nebular processes that occurred prior to the accretion of small-sized parent bodies. The interchondrule matrix of the primitive chondrite Acfer 094 is characterized by the presence of submicron-sized anhydrous crystalline aggregates embedded in a silicate groundmass that is mostly amorphous. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) were employed to investigate the matrix of Acfer 094 and its components.
The amorphous silicate groundmass is homogeneous in composition and exhibits a Mg depletion relative to the solar value. It embeds Fe-Ni nanosulfides, whose typical size is a few tens of nanometers. Nanometer-sized fibrous silicates are rare in the groundmass indicating a low degree of aqueous alteration. Submicron-sized Mg-rich crystalline silicates (olivine and pyroxene) occur either as isolated grains or as aggregates. These submicron-sized crystalline silicates occupy around 25 % of the matrix volume. The isolated grains display a wide range of shapes, from rounded to irregularly angular, and could have originated from the fragmentation of type I chondrules or from nebular condensation. The aggregates exhibit variable morphologies and grain sizes (typically a few tens of nm). They are chemically equilibrated, and likely formed by solid-state thermal annealing of amorphous precursors.
The Acfer 094 matrix contains a range of components that have undergone varying degrees of thermal modification. A significant proportion of a precursor material (i.e. nebular dust) resembling matrix is likely to have undergone one or more brief and intense thermal events, potentially associated with the process of chondrule formation. These events resulted in the formation of magnesium-rich anhydrous silicates (forsterite and enstatite) at high temperatures that were embedded in the matrix of Acfer 094 as isolated grains and crystalline aggregates.”