Metal in mesosiderites: Evidence for redox and fractional crystallizationOPEN ACCESS
R. G. Mayne, L. Caves, T. J. McCoy, R. D. Ash, W. F. McDonough MAPSVersion of Record online: 22 August 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mesosiderites are an amalgamation of crustal silicates and molten…
Widespread oxidized and hydrated amorphous silicates in CR chondrites matrices: Implications for alteration conditions and H2 degassing of asteroids
Corentin Le Guillou, Hitesh G. Changela, Adrian J. Brearley Earth and Planetary Science Letters available online 3 April 2015 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.02.031 LINK