Jupiter’s influence on the building blocks of Mars and EarthOPEN ACCESS
R. Brasser, N. Dauphas, S. J. Mojzsis Accepted for publication in GRL PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Radiometric dating indicates that Mars accreted in the first ~4 Myr of solar system formation, which coincides with the formation…
The late accretion and erosion of Vesta’s crust recorded by eucrites and diogenites as an astrochemical window into the formation of Jupiter and the early evolution of the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
D. Turrini, V. Svetsov, G. Consolmagno, S. Sirono, M. Jutzi Icarus In Press, Available online 4 April 2018 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The eucrites and diogenites are differentiated meteorites whose genetic link with…
Did Jupiter’s core form in the innermost parts of the Sun’s protoplanetary disk?
Sean N. Raymond, Andre Izidoro, Bertram Bitsch, Seth A. Jacobson Accepted to MNRAS arXiv:1602.06573v2 last revised: 7 Mar 2016 PDF (open access) abstract “Jupiter’s core is generally assumed to have formed beyond the snow line….