Analytical capability of K-Ar isochron dating on Mars: assessment from mineral compositions of Martian meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Hikaru Hyuga, Yuichiro Cho, Seiji Sugita PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Many in situ potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating instruments under development use laser ablation to perform local analyses of several hundred um on rocks. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)…
Using the potassium-argon laser experiment (KArLE) to date ancient, low-K chondritic meteorites
Fanny Cattani, Barbara A. Cohen, Cameron M. Mercer, Agnes J. Dahl MAPSVersion of Record online: 10 April 2023 LINK “Several laboratories have been investigating the feasibility of in situ K-Ar dating for use in future…
On the history of the early meteoritic bombardment of the Moon: was there a terminal lunar cataclysm?
Greg Michael, Alexander Basilevsky, Gerhard Neukum Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 November 2017 LINK “Highlights • Statistics of 269 K-Ar datings of lunar highland returned samples are reviewed. • These are compared…
39Ar-40Ar chronology of the enstatite chondrite parent bodies
Hopp J, Trieloff M, Ott U, Korochantseva EV and Buykin AI Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 358–372, March 2014 LINK