An in situ investigation on the origins and processing of circumstellar oxide and silicate grains in carbonaceous chondrites
Thomas J. Zega, Pierre Haenecour, Christine Floss Meteoritics & Planetary Science LINK “We report on the isotopic, chemical, and structural properties of four O‐rich presolar grains identified in situ in the Adelaide ungrouped C2, LaPaZ…
Presolar Silicates in the Matrix and Fine-grained Rims Around Chondrules in Primitive CO3.0 Chondrites: Evidence for Pre-Accretionary Aqueous Alteration of the Rims in the Solar Nebula
Pierre Haenecour, Christine Floss, Thomas J. Zega, Thomas K. Croat, Alian Wang, Bradley L. Jolliff, Paul Carpenter Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 8 June 2017 LINK “To investigate the origin…
Coordinated Analysis of Two Graphite Grains from the CO3.0 LAP 031117 Meteorite: First Identification of a CO Nova Graphite and a Presolar Iron Sulfide SubgrainOPEN ACCESS
Pierre Haenecour, Christine Floss, Jordi Jose, Sachiko Amari, Katharina Lodders, Manavi Jadhav, Alian Wang, Frank Gyngard Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal PDF (open access) abstract “Presolar grains constitute remnants of stars that existed…
Circumstellar Magnetite from the LAP 031117 CO3.0 Chondrite
Thomas J. Zega, Pierre Haenecour, Christine Floss, and Rhonda M. Stroud The Astrophysical Journal Volume 808 Number 1 Thomas J. Zega et al. 2015 ApJ 808 55. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/808/1/55 LINK