Onset of magma ocean solidification on Mars inferred from Mn-Cr chronometry
S. Kruijer, Lars E. Borg, Josh Wimpenny, Corliss K. Sio Earth and Planetary Science LettersAvailable online 7 May 2020, 116315 LINK “Highlights • There are no resolvable radiogenic 53Cr variations among martian meteorites.• Mantle differentiation…
The early differentiation of Mars inferred from Hf–W chronometry
Thomas S. Kruijer, Thorsten Kleine, Lars E. Borg, Gregory A. Brennecka, Anthony J. Irving, Addi Bischoff, Carl B. Agee Earth and Planetary Science Letters In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 July 2017 LINK “Highlights…