Northwest Africa 8694, A ferroan chassignite: Bridging the gap between nakhlites and chassignites
R.H. Hewins, M. Humayun, J.A. Barrat, B. Zanda, J.P. Lorand, S. Pont, N. Assayag, P. Cartigny, S. Yang, V. Sautter Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 29 May 2020 LINK “The origin(s)…
NWA 8694, a Ferroan Chassignite
R. H. Hewins, B. Zanda, S. Pont, M. Humayun, N. Assayag, P. Cartigny 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2249 PDF LINK