Composition and Sticking of Hot Chondritic Dust in a Protoplanetary Hydrogen AtmosphereOPEN ACCESS
Cynthia Pillich, Tabea Bogdan, Janosch Tasto, Joachim Landers, Gerhard Wurm and Heiko Wende The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 4, Number 10 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The sticking properties of dust in early phases of…
Limited nitrogen isotopic fractionation during core-mantle differentiation in rocky protoplanets and planets
Damanveer S. Grewal, Tao Sun, Sanath Aithala, Taylor Hough, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Laurence Y. Yeung, Edwin Schauble Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 19 October 2022 LINK “15N/14N ratios of meteorites are a powerful tool for tracing…
Internal or external magma oceans in the earliest protoplanets – Perspectives from nitrogen and carbon fractionation
Damanveer S. Grewal, Johnny D. Seales, Rajdeep Dasgupta Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 598, 15 November 2022, 117847 LINK “Highlights • Fractionation of N and C into the cores of iron meteorite parent bodies via…
A case for a Themis asteroid family spacecraft mission
M.E. Landis, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, P.O. Hayne, H. Hsieh, K.H.G. Hughson, D. Kubitschek, K.E. Miller, T.H. Prettyman, A.S. Rivkin, B.E. Schmidt, J.E.C.Scully, N. Yamashita, M.N. Villarreal, M. Alexander, A. Armstrong, C. Bader, C. Brown, J.T. Engbrecht,…
A 4,565-My-old andesite from an extinct chondritic protoplanetOPEN ACCESS
Jean-Alix Barrat, Marc Chaussidon, Akira Yamaguchi, Pierre Beck, Johan Villeneuve, David J. Byrne, Michael W. Broadley, and Bernard Marty PNAS March 16, 2021 118 (11) LINK Update (6 May 2021): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The age…
26Al Chronology of Erg Chech 002, the Oldest Andesite in the Solar System
M. Chaussidon, Barrat J. A., Yamaguchi A., Beck P., Villeneuve J. et al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2222 PDF “26Al chronology shows that the Erg Chech 002 meteorite of andesitic composition…
A very early origin of isotopically distinct nitrogen in inner Solar System protoplanetsOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal, Rajdeep Dasgupta & Bernard Marty Nature Astronomy (2021) LINK Preprint (differs from the journal version) PDF (OPEN ACCESS)Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the origin of life-essential volatiles such as nitrogen (N) in…
Formation of Venus, Earth and Mars: Constrained by Isotopes
Helmut Lammer, Ramon Brasser, Anders Johansen, Manuel Scherf & Martin Leitzinger Space Science ReviewsPublished: 22 December 2020 LINKUpdate (12 February 2021); PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Here we discuss the current state of knowledge of terrestrial planet…
D/H Ratio in the Interiors of Rocky Protoplanets Accreting in the Solar Nebula
Hiroaki Saito and Kiyoshi Kuramoto Astrophysical Journal, Published 2020 January 23 LINK “The deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratio of primordial water partitioned into a planetary interior seems to be different on Earth and Mars. Water from volcanic…
Chondrule Accretion with a Growing ProtoplanetOPEN ACCESS
Yuji Matsumoto, Shoichi Oshino, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Shigeru Wakita accepted for publication in ApJ Draft version published: 28 February 2017 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (8 March 2017): LINK The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Number 2 “Chondrules…
Accreting protoplanets in the LkCa 15 transition disk
S. Sallum, K. B. Follette, J. A. Eisner, L. M. Close, P. Hinz + et al. Nature 527, 342–344 (18 November 2015) | doi:10.1038/nature15761 LINK “Exoplanet detections have revolutionized astronomy, offering new insights into solar…
Is Vesta an Intact and Pristine Protoplanet?
G.J. Consolmagno, G.J. Golabek, D. Turrini, M. Jutzi, S. Sirono, V. Svetsov, K. Tsiganis Icarus available online 1 April 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.03.029 LINK
Early inner solar system origin for anomalous sulfur isotopes in differentiated protoplanets
Michael A. Antonelli, Sang-Tae Kim, Marc Peters, Jabrane Labidi, Pierre Cartigny, Richard J. Walker, James R. Lyons, Joost Hoek, and James Farquhar PNAS2014 111 (50)17749-17754; published ahead of print December 1, 2014, doi:10.1073/pnas.1418907111 LINK