Pristinity and petrogenesis of eucrites
Jasmeet K. Dhaliwal, James M. D. Day, Kimberly T. Tait MAPSVersion of Record online:18 January 2023 LINK “New petrography, mineral chemistry, and whole rock major, minor, and trace element abundance data are reported for 29 dominantly unbrecciated…
Timing of the magmatic activity and upper crustal cooling of differentiated asteroid 4 Vesta
F. Jourdan, T. Kennedy, G.K. Benedix, E. Eroglu, C. Mayer Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 January 2020 LINK “Eucrites are extraterrestrial basalts and cumulate gabbros formed, and subsequently more…