Imprint of chondrule formation on the K and Rb isotopic compositions of carbonaceous meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Nicole X. Nie, Xin-Yang Chen, Timo Hopp, Justin Y. Hu, Zhe J. Zhang, Fang-Zhen Teng, Anat Shahar and Nicolas Dauphas Science Advances • 1 Dec 2021 • Vol 7, Issue 49 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
Rubidium isotopic composition of the Earth, meteorites, and the Moon: Evidence for the origin of volatile loss during planetary accretionOPEN ACCESS
Emily A. Pringle, Frédéric Moynier Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 473, 1 September 2017, Pages 62-70 LINK “Highlights • We measured high-precision stable Rb isotope ratios in terrestrial samples, chondrites, HED meteorites, and lunar…