Characterization of bulk interior and fusion crust of Calama 009 L6 ordinary chondrite
E. V. Petrova, A. V. Chukin, G. Varga, Z. Dankházi, G. Leitus, I. Felner, E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, V. I. Grokhovsky, M. I. Oshtrakh MAPS, First published: 30 July 2024 LINK “Fragment of Calama 009…
Focused-beam X-ray fluorescence and diffraction microtomographies for mineralogical and chemical characterization of unsectioned extraterrestrial samplesOPEN ACCESS
Antonio Lanzirotti, Stephen R. Sutton, Matthew Newville, Adrian Brearley, Oliver Tschauner MAPS, Version of Record online: 17 January 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “This study describes the application of new synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF)…
Characterization of iron meteorites by scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements, and Mössbauer spectroscopy: Mundrabilla IAB-ung
M. V. Goryunov, G. Varga, Z. Dankházi, A. V. Chukin, I. Felner, E. Kuzmann, V. I. Grokhovsky, Z. Homonnay, M. I. Oshtrakh MAPSVersion of Record online: 11 September 2023 LINK “A fragment of Mundrabilla IAB-ung…
Vibrational spectroscopic, crystallographic, and microscopic investigation on the Aioun El Atrouss diogenite
Irmak Ayvaz, Ozan Unsalan, Kepa Castro, Cisem Altunayar-Unsalan, Michael Ewing Zolensky Journal of Raman SpectroscopyFirst published: 15 August 2023 LINK “Diogenites are thought to have originated from asteroid 4 Vesta asteroid, and it has been…
Detection Of Incipient Aqueous Alteration In Carbonaceous ChondritesOPEN ACCESS
L. Krämer Ruggiu, B. Devouard, J. Gattacceca, L. Bonal, H. Leroux, J. Eschrig, D. Borschneck, A.J. King, P. Beck, Y. Marrocchi, V. Debaille, R.D. Hanna, O. Grauby Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available…
Determination of olivine fayalite–forsterite composition in ordinary chondrites by X‐ray diffraction
V. E. Di Cecco, B. C. Hyde, K. T. Tait, R. I. Nicklin MAPSFirst Published: 27 April 2022 LINK “Ordinary chondrites account for the majority of the described meteorites on Earth. To expand the toolbox…
Complex diagnostics of ordinary chondrites Markovka, Polujamki, Sayh al Uhaymir 001, Dhofar 020, and Jiddat al Harasis 055 by X-ray techniques and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Liubov V. Guda, Antonina N. Kravtsova, Stanislav P. Kubrin, Alexander A. Guda, Mikhail I. Mazuritskiy, Andrei A. Tereshchenko, Yuri V. Popov, Alexander V. Soldatov Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 20 December 2021 LINK…
Mineralogical characterization of a new eucrite Serra Pelada by Raman and XRD
Bruno Nascimento-Dias, Caique Roque, Bruna Mayato, Kaique Alexandre D’Oliveira, Hugo Camarano Belgo, Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto, Virgilio de Carvalho dos Anjos Vibrational SpectroscopyAvailable online 5 May 2021 LINK “Serra Pelada is a newly discovered eucrite from…
Study of Bursa L6 ordinary chondrite by X‐ray diffraction, magnetization measurements, and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Alevtina A. Maksimova, Evgeniya V. Petrova, Andrey V. Chukin, Ozan Unsalan, Ábel Szabó, Zoltán Dankházi, Israel Felner, Dmitry A. Zamyatin, Ernő Kuzmann, Zoltán Homonnay, Michael I. Oshtrakh Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 20…
Elemental composition and physical characteristics of the massive meteorite of the Saudi Empty QuarterOPEN ACCESS
M. S. AlSalhi, V. Masilamani, Nasser Alarifi, W. Aslam Farooq, M. Atif, Shahid Ramay, Hayat Saeed Althobaiti, Saqib Anwar, Ibrahim Elkhedr, Bassam A.Abuamarah Journal of King Saud University – ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online…
Mineralogy and Spectroscopy (Visible Near Infrared and Fourier Transform Infrared) of Mukundpura CM2: Implications for asteroidal aqueous alteration
S. Baliyan, H. Moitra, S. Sarkar, D. Ray, D.K. Panda, A.D. Shukla, S. Bhattachary, S. Gupta GeochemistryIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 December 2020 LINK “We report the textures, mineralogy and mineral chemistry of…
Bjurböle L/LL4 ordinary chondrite properties studied by raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and mössbauer spectroscopy
A. A. Maksimova, E. V. Petrova, A.V. Chukin, B.A. Nogueira, R. Fausto, Á. Szabó, Z. Dankházi, I. Felner, M. Gritsevich, T.Kohout, E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, M. I. Oshtrakh Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular…
Characterization of Potential Micrometeorites by Synchrotron AnalysisOPEN ACCESS
Madison Esposito , Kevin Souhrada , Erin Garland , Mary Kroll , Robert Bolen , Victoria Hernandez , Janet Kaczmarek , David Meisel , Anya Swiss , Paul Northrup , Vivian Stojanoff , Juergen Thieme…
Characterization of Kemer L4 meteorite using Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy
A. A. Maksimova, E. V. Petrova, A. V. Chukin, M. S. Karabanalov, B.A. Nogueira, R. Fausto, M. Yesiltas, I. Felner, M. I. Oshtrakh Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular SpectroscopyAvailable online 20 July 2020,…
New measurement technique for characterizing small extraterrestrial materials by X‐ray diffraction using the Gandolfi attachment
Naoya Imae, Makoto Kimura Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 21 May 2020 LINK “Identification and characterization of small extraterrestrial samples, such as small Antarctic meteorites <~1 cm, require the development of convenient laboratory‐based…
Fe2+ partitioning between the M1 and M2 sites in silicate crystals in some stony and stony-iron meteorites studied using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy
A.A. Maksimova, E.V. Petrova, A.V. Chukin, M.I. Oshtrakh Journal of Molecular StructureVolume 1216, 15 September 2020, 128391 LINK “Highlights • XRD and Mössbauer spectroscopy of some stony and stony-iron meteorites.• Determination of Fe2+ partitioning among…
Characterization of a newly fallen Nigerian meteorite
Abbasher Gismelssed, Olugbenga Okunlola, Ahmed Al-Rawas, Ali Yousif, Matthew Oyedokun, Jacob Adetunji, Hisham Widatallah, Mohamed Elzai Hyperfine Interactions December 2020, 241:22 LINK “X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fields Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) with EDS and Mössbauer…
The interior and the fusion crust in Sariçiçek howardite: Study using X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy
A.A. Maksimova, O. Unsalan, A.V. Chukin, M.S. Karabanalov, P. Jenniskens, I. Felner, V.A. Semionkin, M.I. Oshtrakh Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Available online 19 November 2019, 117819 LINK “Highlights • Spectroscopic identification…
Constraining ordinary chondrite composition via near-infrared spectroscopy
Adriana M. Mitchell, Vishnu Reddy, Benjamin N.L. Sharkey, Juan A. Sanchez, Thomas H. Burbine, Lucille Le Corre, Cristina A. Thomas Icarus In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 30 August 2019 LINK “Highlights • Ordinary chondrites…
Exposure Experiments of Amorphous Silicates and Organics to Cometary Ice and Vapor AnalogsOPEN ACCESS
Aki Takigawa, Yoshihiro Furukawa, Yuki Kimura, Björn Davidsson, and Tomoki Nakamura The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 881, Number 1 Published 2019 August 8 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Hydration is a major mineral alteration process…
Ambient and cold‐temperature infrared spectra and XRD patterns of ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites relevant to Ceres and other solar system bodiesOPEN ACCESS
Bethany L. Ehlmann, Robert Hodyss, Thomas F. Bristow, George R. Rossman, Eleonora Ammannito, M. Cristina De Sanctis, Carol A. Raymond Meteorit Planet Sci. . doi:10.1111/maps.13103 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mg‐phyllosilicate‐bearing, dark surface materials…
Investigations of Al-Dalang and Al-Hawashat meteorites
A. M. Gismelseed , S. B. Abdallah, A. D. Al-Rawas, F. N. Al-Mabsali, H. M. Widatallah, M. E. Elzain, A. A. Yousif, T. Ericsson, H. Annersten Hyperfine Interactions December 2016, 237:14 First online: 18 February…