Intrinsic W nucleosynthetic isotope variations in carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for W nucleosynthesis and nebular vs. parent body processing of presolar materials
Christoph Burkhardt, Maria Schönbächler Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 20 June 2015 LINK
Shedding Light on the Origin of the Quasicrystal-Bearing Khatyrka Meteorite
Meier M. M. M. * Bindi L. Busemann H. Heck P. R. Isch Neander A. Maden C. Spring N. H. Steinhardt P. J. Wieler R. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2015), abstract #5035…
Correlation of 48Ca, 50Ti, and 138La Heterogeneity in the Allende Refractory Inclusions
Hsin-Wei Chen et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters,Volume 806, Number 1 doi:10.1088/2041-8205/806/1/L21 LINK
Aluminium-26 Systematics of CV3 Chondrules: Evidence for a Multi-Stage Thermal History
Russell S, Claydon J, Coath C, Lai Y-J & Elliott T Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, 16-21 August 2015 PDF (abstract)
Hf-W Chronometry of Allende Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS & Metzler Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, 16-21 August 2015 PDF (abstract)
Mg and Cr Isotope Systematics of Allende CAIs
Yamashita K, Wimpenny J, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, 16-21 August 2015 PDF (abstract)
Redistribution of chondrules in a carbonaceous chondrite parent body: A model
Kazushige Tomeoka, Ichiro Ohnishi Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, available online 16 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.05.012 LINK
Ca-, Al-Rich Inclusions in Two New Carbonaceous Chondrites from Grove Mountains, Antarctica
D. Dai, C. Zhou, X. Chen Earth, Moon, and Planets (2015) LINK
Near-infrared Spectroscopy of 3:1 Kirkwood Gap Asteroids III
Sherry K. Fieber-Beyer, Michael J. Gaffey Icarus In Press, available online 5 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.04.034 LINK
Chemical characteristic of R chondrites in the light of P, REEs, Th and U abundances
Rahat Khan, Naoki Shirai, Mitsuru Ebihara Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 422, 15 July 2015, Pages 18–27 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.04.008 LINK
Second natural quasicrystal ever found in ancient meteorite
Luca Bindi, Nan Yao, Chaney Lin, Lincoln S. Hollister, Christopher L. Andronicos, Vadim V. Distler, Michael P. Eddy, Alexander Kostin, Valery Kryachko, Glenn J. MacPherson, William M. Steinhardt, Marina Yudovskaya, Paul J. Steinhardt Scientific Reports,…
Processing in a transitional environment of CV and CK chondrites’ parent bodies in the light of mineralogical and petrological analysis of NWA 1465 CV3 meteorite
A. Kereszturi, Sz. Ormandi, S. Jozsa Planetary and Space Science available online 3 March 2015 doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.02.016 LINK
Magnetite in CK and CV Chondrites: Evidence for Two Parent Bodies?
T. L. Dunn, J. Gross 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1105 PDF LINK
Hafnium-Tungsten Age of Allende Chondrules and Matrix
G. Budde, T. Kleine, T. S. Kruijer, K. Metzler 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2262 PDF LINK
Genetic Link Between Fluffy Type A, Compact Type A and Type B CAIs from CV3 Chondrites NWA 3118 and Efremovka
M. A. Ivanova, A. N. Krot, G. J. MacPherson 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2371 PDF LINK
Evidence for an early nitrogen isotopic evolution in the solar nebula from volatile analyses of a CAI from the CV3 chondrite NWA 8616
Evelyn Füri, Marc Chaussidon, Bernard Marty Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, available online 20 January 2015 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.01.004 LINK
Case study of chondrule alteration with IR spectroscopy in NWA 2086 CV3 meteorite
A. Kereszturi, I. Gyollai, M. Szabó Planetary and Space Science available online 18 December 2014 LINK
High-Precision Oxygen-Isotope Measurements with SHRIMP SI
Trevor Ireland (ANU), Marian Sapah (ANU), Janaina Avila (ANU), Peter Holden (ANU), and Peter Lanc (ANU) PDF LINK
Mineral alteration of a Type B CAI from the reduced CV3 chondrite, Efremovka
Yuma Enokido (Waseda University), Timothy Fagan (Waseda U.), H. Aragane (Waseda U.) PDF LINK
Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
Luca Bindi, Nan Yao, Chaney Lin, Lincoln S. Hollister, Glenn J. MacPherson, Gerald R. Poirier, Christopher L. , Andronicos Vadim V. Distler, Michael P. Eddy, Alexander Kostin, Valery Kryachko, William M. Steinhardt, and Marina Yudovskaya…
Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions with fractionation and unknown nuclear effects (FUN CAIs): I. Mineralogy, petrology, and oxygen isotopic compositions
Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Gerald J. Wasserburg, Gary R. Huss, Dimitri Papanastassiou, Andrew M. Davis, Ian D. Hutcheone, Martin Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.027 Available online 2 October 2014 LINK Abstract We…
Alteration processes in the CV chondrite parent body based on analysis of NWA 2086 meteorite
Kereszturi, A., Blumberger, Z., Józsa, S., May, Z., Müller, A., Szabó, M. and Tóth, M. (2014). Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12336 LINK
No nebular magnetization in the Allende CV carbonaceous chondrite
R.R. Fu, E.A. Lima, B.P. Weiss Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 404, 15 October 2014, Pages 54–66 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.07.014 LINK
Fossil records of high level of 60Fe in chondrules from unequilibrated chondrites
Mishra R.K. and Chaussidon M. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 398, 15 July 2014, Pages 90–100 LINK
Ion irradiation of Allende meteorite probed by visible, IR, and Raman spectroscopies
Brunetto et al. (in press) Icarus Volume 237, 15 July 2014, Pages 278–292 LINK
Hydrothermal origin of hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 (dmisteinbergite) in a compact type A CAI from the Northwest Africa 2086 CV3 chondrite
Fintor K, Park C, Nagy S, Pál-Molnár E and Krot AN (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 812–823. doi: 10.1111/maps.12294 LINK
Olivine-rich rims surrounding chondrules in the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite: Further evidence for parent-body processes
Tomeoka K and Ohnishi I Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 137, 15 July 2014, Pages 18–34 LINK
Atom-probe analyses of nanodiamonds from Allende
Heck, P. R., Stadermann, F. J., Isheim, D., Auciello, O., Daulton, T. L., Davis, A. M., Elam, J. W., Floss, C., Hiller, J., Larson, D. J., Lewis, J. B., Mane, A., Pellin, M. J., Savina,…
Quantified, whole section trace element mapping of carbonaceous chondrites by Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy: 1. CV meteorites
Dyl KA, Cleverley JS, Bland PA, Ryan CG, Fisher LA and Hough RM (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 134, 1 June 2014, Pages 100–119 LINK
Highly Siderophile Elements and 187Re-187Os Isotopic Systematics of the Allende Meteorite: Evidence for Primary Nebular Processes and Late-stage Alteration
Archer GJ, Ash RD, Bullock ES and Walker RJ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 131, 15 April 2014, Pages 402–414 LINK
Transmission infrared spectra (2-25 microns) of carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM, CV-CK, CR, C2 ungrouped): mineralogy, water, and asteroidal processes
Beck P, Garenne A, Quirico E, Bonal L, Montes-Hernandez G, Moynier F and Schmitt B Icarus Volume 229, February 2014, Pages 263–277 LINK