Aqueous Alteration on Asteroids: Linking the Mineralogy and Spectroscopy of CM and CI Chondrites

M.M. McAdam, J.M. Sunshine, K.T. Howard, T.M. McCoy Icarus DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.09.041 LINK Abstract CM/CI meteorites range in degree of aqueous alteration suggesting differences in initially accreted materials including water ice and possible spatial heterogeneities within…

The paradox between low shock-stage and evidence for compaction in CM carbonaceous chondrites explained by multiple low-intensity impacts

Paula Lindgren, Romy D. Hanna, Katherine J. Dobson, Tim Tomkinson, Martin R. Lee Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.014 (in press) Available online 18 September 2014 LINK

Aragonite, breunnerite, calcite and dolomite in the CM carbonaceous chondrites: High fidelity recorders of progressive parent body aqueous alteration

Martin R. Lee, Paula Lindgren, Mahmood R. Sofe Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 28 August 2014 LINK

Experimental simulation of oxygen isotopic exchange in olivine and implication for the formation of metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites

Ivanova MA, Lorenz CA, Franchi IA, Bychkov AY and Post JE Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 48, Issue 10, pages 2059–2070, October 2013 doi:10.1111/maps.12204 LINK We have conducted hydration–dehydration experiments on terrestrial olivine to investigate…
