Recovery of meteorites using an autonomous drone and machine learningOPEN ACCESS
Robert I. Citron, Peter Jenniskens, Christopher Watkins, Sravanthi Sinha, Amar Shah, Chedy Raissi, Hadrien Devillepoix, Jim Albers Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst Published: 9 June 2021 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “The recovery of freshly fallen meteorites…
Exogenous copper sulfide in returned asteroid Itokawa regolith grains are likely relicts of prior impacting bodyOPEN ACCESS
Katherine D. Burgess & Rhonda M. Stroud Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 2, Article number: 115 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Samples from asteroid 25143 Itokawa returned by the Hayabusa mission have been identified…
Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry of potassium stable isotopes
Kun Wang, Weiqiang Li, Shilei Li, Zhen Tian, Piers Koefoed, Xin-Yuan Zheng INVITED REVIEW GeochemistryIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 9 June 2021 LINK “Stable potassium isotopes are one of the emerging non-traditional isotope systems…
How much water was delivered from the asteroid belt to the Earth after its formation?OPEN ACCESS
Rebecca G. Martin, Mario Livio Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Earth contains between one and ten oceans of water, including water within the mantle, where one ocean is the mass…
Variable refractory lithophile element compositions of planetary building blocks: insights from components of enstatite chondrites
Takashi Yoshizaki, Richard D. Ash, Marc D. Lipella, Tetsuya Yokoyama, William F. McDonough Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 8 June 2021 LINK “Highlights • Refractory lithophile elements (RLE) are fractionated in chondrules from highly reduced…