What Can Meteorites Tell Us About the Formation of Jupiter?OPENA ACCESS
Benjamin P. Weiss, William F. Bottke CommentaryAGU AdvancesVolume 2, Issue 2June 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Key Points Meteorite paleomagnetism constrains the lifetime of the solar nebula and therefore the time by which Jupiter…
Calcium isotope cosmochemistry
Maria C. Valdes, Katherine R. Bermingham, Shichun Huang, Justin I. Simon Chemical GeologyInvited Research ArticleIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 June 2021 LINK “The past decade has seen significant advancements in analytical capabilities and…
Analysis of Mission Opportunities to Sedna in 2029-2034OPEN ACCESS
V.A. Zubko, A.A. Sukhanov, K.S. Fedyaev, V.V. Koryanov, A.A. Belyaev Advances in Space ResearchAvailable online 16 June 2021 LINK Update (29 December 2021): LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Highlights • Deep space mission challenges.• Long-duration space…
The characterization and distribution of polygonal impact craters on Ceres and their implications for the Cerean crust
Michael F. Zeilnhofer, Nadine G. Barlow IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 16 June 2021 LINK “Highlights • A polygonal crater database for Ceres was created in this study.• 1466 polygonal impact craters (PICs) are…