Artificial weathering of an ordinary chondrite: Recommendations for the curation of Antarctic meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Matthias van Ginneken, Vinciane Debaille, Sophie Decrée, Steven Goderis, Alan B. Woodland, Penelope Wozniakiewicz, Marleen De Ceukelaire, Thierry Leduc, Philippe Claeys MAPSVersion of Record online: 05 May 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Meteorites are…
A Numerical Approach to Deriving Statistical Estimates of the Residual Mass, the Impact Point, and Other Meteorite Parameters from the Bright Section of the Trajectory
M. A. Krivov Computational Mathematics and ModelingPublished: 05 May 2022 LINK “Meteorite flight in the Earth’s atmosphere can be uniquely described by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), which requires two initial conditions and…