The unusual low Mg rock clasts from Lohawat Howardite, India: Petrogenetic implications
Dwijesh Ray & Sambhunath Ghosh Journal of Earth System Science, Volume 131, Article number: 125 (2022)Published: 26 May 2022 LINK “We report here a few, unusual, low Mg rock clasts from Lohawat howardite, a megaregolith…
A Numerical Approach Using a Finite Element Model to Constrain the Possible Interior Layout of (16) PsycheOPEN ACCESS
Yaeji Kim and Masatoshi Hirabayashi The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 5 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid (16) Psyche (278×238×171 km in size) is notable for the largest M-type asteroid and has the…