Building a High-resolution Digital Terrain Model of Bennu from Laser Altimetry DataOPEN ACCESS
Jeff A. Seabrook, Michael G. Daly, Olivier S. Barnouin, Eric E. Palmer, Robert W. Gaskell, Hari Nair and Dante S. Lauretta The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Number 12, Published: 2 December 2022 LINK (OPEN…
Statistical Chronometry of Meteorites. II. Initial Abundances and Homogeneity of Short-lived RadionuclidesOPEN ACCESS
Steven J. Desch, Daniel R. Dunlap, Curtis D. Williams, Prajkta Mane, Emilie T. Dunham Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (published in Icarus, 6 May 2023): LINK “• We present a…
Statistical chronometry of meteorites. I. A Test of 26Al homogeneity and the Pb-Pb age of the solar system’s t=0OPEN ACCESS
Steven J. Desch, Daniel R. Dunlap, Emilie T. Dunham, Curtis D. Williams, Prajkta Mane Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (published in Icarus, 6 May 2023, with new title): LINK “We…