Meteoritic Molybdenum and Ruthenium Isotopic Abundances Document Nucleosynthetic p-process ComponentsOPEN ACCESS
Kurt Marti, Mario Fischer-Gödde, and Carina Proksche The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 956, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Anomalies in isotopic abundances of Mo and Ru in solar system matter were found to document…
High precision triple oxygen isotope composition of small size urban micrometeorites indicating constant influx composition in the early geologic pastOPEN ACCESS
Fabian Zahnow, Tido Stracke, Tommaso di Rocco, Thilo Hasse, Andreas Pack MAPSVersion of Record online: 29 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “In this study, we present a method for high precision Δ′17O (Δ′17ORL = ln(δ17O + 1)…
Meteorite material luminous efficiencies from ground testing of meteoroid entry
S. Loehle, J. Vaubaillon, P. Matlovič, J. Tóth IcarusAvailable online 29 September 2023, 115817 LINK “The paper reports the determination of luminous efficiency values from ground testing of a comprehensive set of meteorite samples. The…