Petrology and shock history of the first depleted-like poikilitic shergottite Asuka 12325OPEN ACCESS
Atsushi Takenouchi, Akira Yamaguchi, Takashi Mikouchi, Richard Greenwood, Sojiro Yamazaki MAPSVersion of Record online: 07 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asuka (A) 12325 is the first poikilitic shergottite having a depleted pattern in…
Discussion of the unique “eclogitic” clast reported from Northwest Africa 801 (CR2) and the possibility of ejection of foundered crust from deep in a molten Moon-sized projectileOPEN ACCESS
Edward R. D. Scott, Ian S. Sanders, Erik Asphaug, Emma L. Tomlinson MAPSVersion of Record online: 07 September 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A unique 2 mm-wide clast of fine-grained garnet–omphacite peridotite with chondritic chemistry…
Isotopic constraints on genetic relationships among group IIIF iron meteorites, Fitzwater Pass, and the Zinder pallasiteOPEN ACCESS
Jonas Pape, Bidong Zhang, Fridolin Spitzer, Alan Rubin, Thorsten Kleine Accepted for publication in Meteoritics & Planetary Science, pre-proof PDF (OPEN ACCESS) UPDATE (21 September 2023): MAPS, Version of Record online: 20 September 2023 LINK…