Evaporation of moderately volatile elements from metal and sulfide melts: Implications for volatile element abundances in magmatic iron meteorites
E.S. Steenstra, C.J. Renggli, J. Berndt, S. Klemme Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 622, 15 November 2023, 118406 LINK “Volatile element abundances in magmatic iron meteorites provide fundamental insights into the processing of volatile elements…
Ice Sublimation in Planetesimals Formed at the Outward Migrating SnowlineOPEN ACCESS
Zhongtian Zhang The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 956, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Isotopic studies of meteorites suggest that planetesimals were formed as two distinct populations: noncarbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC) reservoirs. A…
Dynamical feasibility of (3) Juno as a parent body of the H chondrites
John W. Noonan, Kathryn Volk, David Nesvorný, William F. Bottke IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 October 2023 LINK “We test the hypothesis that (3) Juno is a parent body of the H chondrites…